πŸ“ GEG Sulawesi Barat (GEG Sul-Bar)
GEG Badge Leader

Google Educator Groups (GEG) Chapter Sulawesi Barat, also known as GEG Sul-Bar, provides a platform for educators in Sulawesi Barat to connect, learn, and inspire each other. Through this community, teachers and school staff can engage both online and offline to enhance educational methods using technology.

To create a collaborative space where educators can:

  • Share experiences and resources
  • Learn about technological tools in education
  • Inspire and support each other

Who Can Join?
Open to all: principals, school administrators, teachers, students, and anyone interested in using Google tools for education.

Get Involved!
Stay connected and join events by following GEG Sul-Bar on Google+.

πŸ“ Relawan TIK Indonesia

Relawan TIK Logo

Relawan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Relawan TIK) Indonesia is a volunteer network committed to promoting ICT for societal benefits.

Goals and Missions

  1. Personal Development
    Equip members with essential ICT knowledge and skills for social outreach and educational empowerment.
  2. Organizational Strength
    Build a proactive and responsive team ready to tackle ICT-related challenges in society.
  3. National Impact
    Support community growth and humanitarian projects by optimizing ICT for Indonesia’s advancement.

Creating a community ready to lead in using ICT for societal development and empowerment.

Official Site
Visit for more information and events.

πŸ“ Mandar TIK

Mandar TIK Banner

Mandar Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Mandar TIK) is an educational and entrepreneurial initiative in ICT, specifically serving Sulawesi Barat. It aims to merge the efforts of GEG Sul-Bar and Relawan TIK with a focus on local area analysis, institutional support, and online scientific publication.

Special Focus
Promotes local expertise in:

  • ICT skills development
  • Publishing scientific work online
  • Regional analysis and institutional support

πŸ“ Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI)

RJI Logo

Founded in 2017, Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI) strives to improve the quality of academic journals in Indonesia. Through enhanced accessibility and engagement, RJI supports academic growth and journal quality across the nation.


  • Technical Assistance for journal creation, article submission, and website development
  • Workshops for authors and editors to enhance journal quality
  • Events such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to promote scientific publishing